Lets Talk About : International Women's Day
Today is Thursday 8th March 2018. My longest Uni day of the week, with 4 hours of seminars and netball in the evening. The day I'm going to go for a run. The day before Friday, which is the day before the weekend. Today is also International Women's Day. And I love it. Not because it's all about 'girl power'. Not because it's a day to show the boys that we mean business in ALL aspects of our lives. Not because we get to post motivational messages, and dedicate Instagram posts to the girls who we love and feel empowered by. Not even because its a subtle middle finger to all those men who continue to squash and stamp on our hopes and dreams that we have just as much right to have. No, I love it because of ALL those reasons. I never used to give much thought to International Women's Day, I can't really remember it last year, and definitely didn't even know it existed when I was growing up. But something feels different this year,...